Primula is a genus belonging to the Primulaceae family. The name primula is derived from the word primus (first), since it is one of the first plants to flower in spring. Primulas are highly frost-resistant. They like to be planted in (partly) shady spots. Primulas are available in nearly all colours you can think of. For some pretty examples we invite to have a look at
Use & Taste
The flowers of common primrose (primula veris, vulgaris and elatior) can be used in salads, pancake and cake batter and in jam. They are also very suitable for decorating desserts.
The flowers of common primrose (primula veris, vulgaris and elatior) have a neutral, sometimes slightly aniseedy taste.
Some people are allergic to primulas (contact allergy). Their skin will turn red when exposed to primulas.